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JARMusic Network

How to order
Follow the instructions below for how to order from JARMusic Network. Here are the contact details for orders and enquiries.

Send your orders to the following address:

JARMusic Network (WWW)
OT Reitze 2
D-29482 Küsten

or you can telephone/fax the following number:

+49 (0)5841-70244

or email: sales@jarmusic.com

US customers can send payments only (not orders) to this address:

L. Edel / Jarmusic
PO BOX 78164
NC 27427-8164
GERMANY: orders by pre-payment either by
1. sending a cheque or
2. bank transfer into 
Postbank Hannover
Konto 44 67 59 - 308
BLZ 250 100 30

JARMusic can be contacted by email at enquiries@jarmusic.com, or via snail mail at the German address above.

Order and Payment

PayPal - You can order and pay online using a credit card with our PayPal account. Simply click on the PayPal icon displayed alongside the item, and a window will open and add the item to your shopping cart. You can alter your order at any time, then when you are happy click to go to the checkout where postage rates will be calculated before you commit to your purchase.

Post - You can submit an order and send payment at the same time, or send an order first and wait for confirmation that items are in stock before sending payment. Send payment using cash or where appropriate made payable to JARMusic Network. All prices referred to in these pages are in Dollars($) and Pounds Sterling (£).  Postage is charged using the table below.

Order destination: 1-3 CDs 3-6 CDs / books 6+ CDs / LPs
Germany EUROS 2.50  EUROS 3.50  EUROS 4.50 
Europe £2.50 £3.50 £4.50
Overseas $6.00 $11.00 $16.00
America (for items only) $3.00 $5.50 $8.00

N.B. All prices and rates quoted should be correct at the time of upload, but are subject to change without notice. Up to date prices, including postage costs, are always available directly from JARMusic via the email or postal addresses.

Important Note for anyone ordering from America: all items marked with the US logo will be sent directly from our US office, therefore your orders should arrive more quickly. You still order via JARMusic Germany, but payments (money orders preferred) can be sent to the US payments address above.

All prices referred to in these pages are in US dollars ($), or Pounds Sterling (£). Postage is not included. Use The Universal Currency Converter for an approximate currency conversion.

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